NGC 2626
DSS image of NGC 2626
Overlaid DSS image of NGC 2626, 30' x 30' with north at top and west to the right

Aladin viewer for the region around NGC 2626
h 3131, GC 1677, Ced 106h, ESO 313-N*004, IRAS 08339-4029, 2MASX J08352888-4040057, VdBH 17

Type  Bright Nebula
Size  5'
Right Ascension  8h 35'  (2000)
Declination  40° 40' S
Constellation  Vela
Description  *9 inv in pB, pL, R neb
Classification  E+R
Observing Notes

Andrew Cooper
Dec 9, 2024    Waikoloa, HI (map)
15cm f/4 Newtonian, Makaʻiki Mk2 @ 22x
Seeing: 6 Transparency: 7 Moon: 0%

Small, faint, about 3' diameter, a patch of glow surrounding a 10th magnitude star, roughly round with the star a bit northwest of center, no color noted, no other structure noted

Andrew Cooper
Feb 9, 2013    Hale Pohaku, HI (map)
46cm f/4.5 Newtonian, Deep Violet @ 175x
Seeing: 6 Transparency: 7 Moon: 0%

A 10th magnitude star sits at the center of a 5' region of faint nebulosity, somewhat more to the south of the star, round, no other detail

Andrew Cooper
Jan 31, 2011    Hale Pohaku, HI (map)
46cm f/4.5 Newtonian, Deep Violet @ 175x
Seeing: 6 Transparency: 6.5 Moon: 0%

A small, faint nebula surrounding a single star, about 5' across, round, no other detail noted
Other Data Sources for NGC 2626
Nearby objects for NGC 2626
5 objects found within 120'
NY Velorum Pismis 5 Pismis 7
PK258-0.1 Ru64

Drawings, descriptions, and CCD photos are copyright Andrew Cooper unless otherwise noted, no usage without permission.

A complete list of credits and sources can be found on the about page

NGC 2626