BD-11 3331

No dss image available for BD-11 3331
Aladin viewer for the region around BD-11 3331
Σ 1659B, WDS J12357-1201B, SAO 157383, GSC 05530-02062, HIP 61465, TYC 5530-2062-1, Gaia DR3 3530062001726293376

Type  Star
Magnitude  8.27
Right Ascension  12h 35' 43.4"  (2000)
Declination  12° 1' 3" S
Constellation  Corvus
Observing Notes

Andrew Cooper
Jul 26, 2024    Waikoloa, HI (map)
20cm f/6 Newtonian, Cave Astrola @ 45x
Seeing: 6 Transparency: 6 Moon: 0%

Pale yellow, northermost of a consicuous double at the center of The Stargate asterism, with the 8.3 magnitude SAO 157383 30" north, togther with the fainter 10th magnitde TYC 5531-1564-1 visible 1' east these stars for the inner triangle of The Stargate
Other Data Sources for BD-11 3331
Associated objects for BD-11 3331
BD-11 3331 is part of The Stargate
Nearby objects for BD-11 3331

Drawings, descriptions, and CCD photos are copyright Andrew Cooper unless otherwise noted, no usage without permission.

A complete list of credits and sources can be found on the about page

BD-11 3331