NGC 4571
DSS image of NGC 4571
Overlaid DSS image of NGC 4571, 30' x 30' with north at top and west to the right

Aladin viewer for the region around NGC 4571
H III 602, h 1362, h 1367, GC 3113, GC 3120, IC 3588, MCG+02-32-156, UGC 7788, PGC 42100, SDSS J123656.38+141302.4, Gaia DR3 3932502155350395392

Type  Galaxy
Magnitude  11.3
Size  1.613' x 1.484' @ 75°
Right Ascension  12h 36' 56.4"  (2000)
Declination  14° 13' 2" N
Constellation  Coma Berenices
Description  vF, L, E, vgbM, *9 nf nr
Classification  SA
Observing Notes

Harold Corwin

NGC 4571 = IC 3588. Found by William Herschel, and reobserved by John Herschel and d'A, the galaxy's NGC position is pretty well determined. Nevertheless, Schwassmann measured the 14th magnitude star superposed about an arcmin west of the nucleus and called it N4571 in his 1902 survey of the Virgo Cluster. He also picked up the galaxy itself at its correct position, and included it in his list as a new nebula. Thus, the equality of the numbers.

This galaxy (also = GC 3113) has also occasionally been mentioned as a possible candidate for M 91, first by Dreyer himself in the NGC. See his note there where he equates NGC 4571 with GC 3120 = h1367 (more below) and actually favors the idea the M 91 was a comet. He must have realized that NGC 4571 is too faint (it has V_T = 11.3 in RC3) to have been seen by Messier. M 91 is almost certainly NGC 4548; see that and NGC 4579 = M 58 for more.

John Herschel was curious about M 91, too. He gave it a place in his 1833 catalogue (it is h1367) using Messier's position and saying
A bright * 9m, and 2 or 3 smaller; close by the B star and sp it, is a small well defined [sic] body which may be a close double star, and np it is also a F neb. The place set down is that of Messier's 91st neb, but I do not think this can be that object, whose existence even seems questionable.
In the GC (it is GC 3120), he is even more definite: "np this place is a F neb; not [John Herschel's italics] M. 91, whose existence ?."

The idea of M 91 as a comet was eventually taken up by Flammarion in his lists of Messier's objects (Bull. Soc. astr. France, 31-35, 1917-21), and by Shapley and Davis (PASP 29, 177, 1917; they refer back to NGC 4571). See also Glyn Jones, "The Search for the Nebulae", Alpha Academic, 1975; and his "Messier's Nebulae and Star Clusters", Cambridge, 1991 for more on M 91.
NGC Notes by Harold Corwin
Other Data Sources for NGC 4571
Nearby objects for NGC 4571
19 objects found within 60'
IC 3500 IC 3501 IC 3520
IC 3523 IC 3524 IC 3534
IC 3544 IC 3567 IC 3575
IC 3583 IC 3609 IC 3611
IC 3612 IC 3613 IC 3629
IC 3637 Messier 91 NGC 4516
NGC 4523

Drawings, descriptions, and CCD photos are copyright Andrew Cooper unless otherwise noted, no usage without permission.

A complete list of credits and sources can be found on the about page

NGC 4571