Type | Galaxy |
Magnitude | 11.3 |
Size | 3' x 2.9' @ 125° |
Right Ascension | 12h 43' 32.4" (2000) |
Declination | 11° 34' 55" N |
Constellation | Virgo |
Description | pF, pL, lE115, np of Dneb |
Classification | SBc Ring |
Andrew Cooper
Jun 17, 2020 Waikoloa, HI (map)
28cm f/10 SCT, NexStar 11" GyPSy @ 127x
Seeing: 5 Transparency: 6 Moon: 0%
Faint, round, no notable core, in contact with the northwest edge of the M60 halo
Rev. T.W. Webb
May 19, 1885 Hardwick, Herefordshire, England (map)
94mm f/18 Tully Achromat
Double [NGC4647 and NGC4649]; p extremely faint [NGC4647]. Not seen 3-7/10in. In large field with M59 np, and H. II 70 sp [NGC4638], like a hazy star.― Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes, T. W. Webb, 1917
Drawings, descriptions, and CCD photos are copyright Andrew Cooper unless otherwise noted, no usage without permission.
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