NGC 5360
DSS image of NGC 5360
Overlaid DSS image of NGC 5360, 30' x 30' with north at top and west to the right

Aladin viewer for the region around NGC 5360
IC 958, MCG+01-36-001, UGC 8838, PGC 49513, SDSS J135538.75+045906.2

Type  Galaxy
Magnitude  13.3
Size  1.6' x 0.7' @ 70°
Right Ascension  13h 55' 38.6"  (2000)
Declination  4° 59' 5" N
Constellation  Virgo
Description  vF, vS, lE
Classification  SBO-a
Observing Notes

Harold Corwin

IC 958 is almost certainly NGC 5360. Swift's description ("eeeF, pS, iR; seen only by glimpses") fits, and his typically crude position is only 3 arcmin away from Marth's galaxy. The only concern I have is that NGC 5364 is in the field -- why didn't Swift mention that, too? So, colons go on the IC number.

I still think that NGC 5360 is Swift's object. Its low surface brightness would render it less visible than the total magnitude would suggest, and Swift's further "pS, iR" would also fit the galaxy. It is, of course, a bit strange that he did not mention the nearby and much brighter NGC 5364, but Marth, who found NGC 5360, also did not say anything about it.

Finally, the position is a bit uncertain. There is no obvious nucleus in the patchy bar, and there may be a very faint reddish star superposed just northeast of one of the blue knots near the bar's center. Both Gaia and Pan-STARRS picked up on this object -- it could just as well be a reddish knot in the bar -- and I've taken it to represent the galaxy. Other digital surveys (2MASS PSC, URAT1, and CMC) pick up two knots in the bar; I've given mean positions for those surveys as well as the individual positions from them for the knots.
IC Notes by Harold Corwin
Other Data Sources for NGC 5360
Nearby objects for NGC 5360

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NGC 5360