IC 960
DSS image of IC 960
Overlaid DSS image of IC 960, 30' x 30' with north at top and west to the right

Aladin viewer for the region around IC 960
MCG+03-36-004, UGC 8849 N, PGC 49536, SDSS J135600.11+173041.7

Type  Galaxy
Magnitude  14.9
Size  0.653' x 0.235' @ 30°
Right Ascension  13h 56' 0.0"  (2000)
Declination  17° 30' 42" N
Constellation  Boötes
Description  F, pL, lbM, dif
Classification  E
Observing Notes

Harold Corwin

IC 960 is the northern galaxy of an interacting pair. Javelle's position, re-reduced with the UCAC4 position and proper motion for his comparison star, is within 2 arcsec of the nucleus of the galaxy. His description, "Faint, diffuse, pretty extended with a bit of condensation" is appropriate, too.
IC Notes by Harold Corwin
Other Data Sources for IC 960
Associated objects for IC 960
Nearby objects for IC 960

Drawings, descriptions, and CCD photos are copyright Andrew Cooper unless otherwise noted, no usage without permission.

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IC 960