IC 1130
DSS image of IC 1130
Overlaid DSS image of IC 1130, 30' x 30' with north at top and west to the right

Aladin viewer for the region around IC 1130
MCG+03-40-014, PGC 55644

Type  Galaxy
Magnitude  15
Size  0.407' x 0.252' @ 170°
Right Ascension  15h 37' 43.9"  (2000)
Declination  17° 14' 41" N
Constellation  Serpens
Observing Notes

Harold Corwin

There is nothing wrong with Bigourdan's single observation of this object on 29 May 1889. His micrometrically measured position is within three arcsec of the nucleus of the galaxy, and his description "vF" is surely appropriate. The "* 8.7 f" mentioned in the IC is his comparison star.

What caught my eye here is his note, "... I suspect another still fainter at [PA] = 220 degrees, d = 1.5 - 2 arcmin." There isn't anything at all there aside from some 19th magnitude chaff. He has another observation of IC 1130 five nights later, but does not mention any accompanying object this time. In fact, he says of IC 1130 (this is his complete observation, freely translated by me), "I intermittently see this object, which could be nebulous, and which is now at the extreme limit of visibility."
IC Notes by Harold Corwin
Other Data Sources for IC 1130
Nearby objects for IC 1130
5 objects found within 60'
NGC 5962 NGC 5972 NGC 5977
Tau3 Serpentis UGC 9912

Drawings, descriptions, and CCD photos are copyright Andrew Cooper unless otherwise noted, no usage without permission.

A complete list of credits and sources can be found on the about page

IC 1130