Type | Planetary Nebula |
Magnitude | 13.28 |
Size | 0.1' x 0.09' @ 6° |
Right Ascension | 17h 55' 7.0" (2000) |
Declination | 21° 44' 40" S |
Constellation | Sagittarius |
Description | stellar, 12.5 mag |
Harold Corwin
Though Joseph Lunt's discovery position is 3.5 arcminutes too far south, there is no question about the identity of this planetary. Lunt found it visually with a "24-inch o.g. [objective grating] prism" and placed it "immediately S.f. C.P.D. -21° 6502" and added, "The nebula is 2s.5 pr. a slightly brighter star of the same declination." He estimated the magnitude as 12-13, called the object "stellar", and has it on two plates taken in June and July 1901.― IC Notes by Harold Corwin
Barnard 85 | Bochum 14 | HD 164402 |
HD 164492 | HD 164514 | HIP 88330 |
Messier 20 | NGC 6440 | NGC 6445 |
NGC 6469 | PK4+1.1 | PK4+2.1 |
PK6+2.4 | PK6+2.5 | PK6+3.1 |
PK6+3.2 | PK7+1.1 | Ru139 |
Drawings, descriptions, and CCD photos are copyright Andrew Cooper unless otherwise noted, no usage without permission.
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