Barnard 85
DSS image of Barnard 85
Overlaid DSS image of Barnard 85, 30' x 30' with north at top and west to the right

Aladin viewer for the region around Barnard 85
Dark regions of Trifid Nebula

Type  Dark Nebula
Size  15'
Right Ascension  18h 2'  (2000)
Declination  23° 1' S
Constellation  Sagittarius
Observing Notes

Andrew Cooper
May 28, 2006    Gila, NM (map)
46cm f/4.5 Deep Violet

Across the face of the Trifid nebula are a set of dark bands dividing the nebula into four parts, very dark and distinct against the emission nebula background, unable to see any trace beyond the nebula

E.E. Barnard
25cm f/5 Astrograph

Trifid nebula. This is the southern part of the Trifid nebula, NGC 6514. The dark markings in this nebula are too well known to insert in this catalogue."
― A Photographic Atlas of Selected Regions of the Milky Way, E.E. Barnard, 1927
Other Data Sources for Barnard 85
Nearby objects for Barnard 85
9 objects found within 60'
4 Sagittarii Bochum 14 HD 164402
HD 164492 HD 164514 HIP 88330
Messier 20 Messier 21 Ru139

Drawings, descriptions, and CCD photos are copyright Andrew Cooper unless otherwise noted, no usage without permission.

A complete list of credits and sources can be found on the about page

Barnard 85