NGC 7795

No dss image available for NGC 7795
Aladin viewer for the region around NGC 7795
h 2287, GC 5034

Type  Asterism
Magnitude  10
Size  16'
Right Ascension  23h 58' 37.0"  (2000)
Declination  60° 2' 6" N
Constellation  Cassiopeia
Description  Cl, vL, P, lC, st 7, 10...
Observing Notes

Harold Corwin

This is a sparce group of stars generally to the north and east of the 7th magnitude star (SAO 35922) that John Herschel called "the chief of a vL coarse scattered but poor cluster which fills the field." It doesn't stand out well on POSS1, but may look better at the eyepiece where the background of faint stars would not be seen.

John Herschel's position is just over 1 minute of time east of the star, so I suspect a digit error.
NGC Notes by Harold Corwin
Other Data Sources for NGC 7795
Nearby objects for NGC 7795
7 objects found within 120'
BD+60 2644 Frolov 1 Harvard 21
HD 224404 King12
NGC 7790

Drawings, descriptions, and CCD photos are copyright Andrew Cooper unless otherwise noted, no usage without permission.

A complete list of credits and sources can be found on the about page

NGC 7795