Collinder 316
DSS image of Collinder 316
Overlaid DSS image of Collinder 316, 60' x 60' with north at top and west to the right

Aladin viewer for the region around Collinder 316
Cr 316, C 1652-407, OCl 998.0

Type  Open Cluster
Magnitude  3.4
Right Ascension  16h 55' 30.0"  (2000)
Declination  40° 49' 60" S
Constellation  Scorpius
Classification  I 2 m
Observing Notes

Andrew Cooper
Jun 29, 2019    Kaʻohe, Mauna Kea, HI (map)
8x42mm Nikon Prostaff 3S Binoculars @ 8x
Seeing: 8 Transparency: 7 Moon: 0%

An excellent binocular object in Sco just inside the tail, large, bright, a rich field of stars, overlaps with the cluster Tr24 which is the NE concentation, the brihgt and small NGC6231 visible at the southern margin
Other Data Sources for Collinder 316
Nearby objects for Collinder 316
9 objects found within 60'
HD 152234 HD 152408 IC 4628
NGC 6227 NGC 6231 PK342+0.1
PK344+0.1 Trumpler24 V973 Scorpii

Drawings, descriptions, and CCD photos are copyright Andrew Cooper unless otherwise noted, no usage without permission.

A complete list of credits and sources can be found on the about page

Collinder 316