NGC 2282
DSS image of NGC 2282
Overlaid DSS image of NGC 2282, 30' x 30' with north at top and west to the right

Aladin viewer for the region around NGC 2282
IC 2172, Ced 87, vdB 85, Lund 1160, C 0644+013, OCl 535.1

Type  Open Cluster w/Nebulosity
Size  4'
Right Ascension  6h 46'  (2000)
Declination  1° 18' N
Constellation  Monoceros
Description  *10 in F, R neb
Classification  I2p n
Observing Notes

Harold Corwin

IC 2172 = NGC 2282. Barnard published the NGC data in AN 115, 323, 1886, but sent the IC2 data directly to Dreyer. The positions and descriptions are not only appropriate for this HII region, but are in such close agreement with each other that I'm surprised (again; see e.g. IC 2123 = IC 412 and IC 2124 = IC 413) that neither Barnard nor Dreyer caught the equality.

Barnard's published description of the nebula is apt: "A 9 1/2m or 10m star surrounded by a faint nebulosity. The star is, I am confident, not perfectly stellar. Possibly a minute nebula with a faint atmosphere. 4' or 5' p. and slightly n. is a faint double star that I suspect is enveloped in nebulosity. Observed a number of times." Only his suspicion about nebulositiy around the double star is not borne out on the Sky Survey images. The double has a couple of fainter stars nearby that may have misled Barnard into thinking that he had seen nebulosity.

Curiously, Barnard's micrometric measurement of the declination is off by about 13-14 arcsec. His RA is accurate, and the position he adopts for his comparison star (HD 49567) is only 2 arcsec off the FK5 value. Perhaps the distance between the two stars (18 arcmin, 41 arcsec) was too great for a totally accurate measurement.
IC Notes by Harold Corwin
Other Data Sources for NGC 2282
Nearby objects for NGC 2282
13 objects found within 120'
18 Monocerotis BD+00 1660 Biur10
Bochum 2 Collinder 115 Dolidze 23
Dolidze 24 Dolidze 25 HD 47964
HD 49933 Minkowski 1-8 NGC 2262
NGC 2301

Drawings, descriptions, and CCD photos are copyright Andrew Cooper unless otherwise noted, no usage without permission.

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NGC 2282