IC 722
DSS image of IC 722
Overlaid DSS image of IC 722, 30' x 30' with north at top and west to the right

Aladin viewer for the region around IC 722
MCG+02-30-019, PGC 36365, SDSS J114243.77+085827.4

Type  Galaxy
Magnitude  14
Size  0.533' x 0.32' @ 75°
Right Ascension  11h 42' 43.7"  (2000)
Declination  8° 58' 27" N
Constellation  Virgo
Description  eF, vS, *10 nf 2'
Observing Notes

Harold Corwin

IC 722 and IC 724, Spitaler misidentified his comparison star, and gave it the coordinates of yet another misidentified star. The star he actually used is BD +09 2534. He claims he used BD +09 2531, and gave the coordinates of BD +09 2532.

His descriptions of his objects, however, leaves no doubt as to the correct identifications. He notes a "* 10 nf 2 arcmin" for I722, and "lE 45d" for I724. Both clearly identify his objects; they are both 8 seconds east and 5.5 arcmin south of his positions (which Dreyer copied correctly into the IC).
IC Notes by Harold Corwin
Other Data Sources for IC 722
Nearby objects for IC 722

Drawings, descriptions, and CCD photos are copyright Andrew Cooper unless otherwise noted, no usage without permission.

A complete list of credits and sources can be found on the about page

IC 722