Type | Galaxy |
Magnitude | 12.7 |
Size | 0.687' x 0.412' @ 135° |
Right Ascension | 12h 30' 10.3" (2000) |
Declination | 10° 46' 46" N |
Constellation | Virgo |
Description | eF, pL |
Classification | dE(d:E) |
Harold Corwin
IC 3427 = NGC 4482. William Herschel's RA is 30 seconds of time too large. Dreyer has a note about this in William Herschel's Collected Papers. This is not an isolated error, as Dreyer adds "... same sweep as the last three, 174." The "last three" are the previous third class objects seen in the sweep, all with RA's too large by up to a minute of time, and referring to a general note under H II 64 = NGC 4352. Apparently most of the objects in the sweep are affected by the same error.
Curiously, even though both Bigourdan and Dreyer noted William Herschel's position error, Dreyer did not make the connection with IC 3427. That was left for Ames and Carlson.― IC Notes by Harold Corwin
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