Barnard 44
DSS image of Barnard 44
Overlaid DSS image of Barnard 44, 120' x 120' with north at top and west to the right

Aladin viewer for the region around Barnard 44

Type  Dark Nebula
Size  280' x 32'
Right Ascension  16h 37'  (2000)
Declination  24° 25' S
Constellation  Ophiuchus
Description  4"-very elongated dark lane, 4 fields in RFT
Classification  5 Ir
Observing Notes

Andrew Cooper
Aug 30, 2008    Hale Pohaku, HI (map)
76mm APO @ 14x
Seeing: 7 Transparency: 7.5 Moon: 0%

Very large, 5° x 1° quite dark with large regions completely devoid of stars, edges indistinct, leads east from the Antares pentagram

Andrew Cooper
Aug 30, 2008    Hale Pohaku, HI (map)
76mm f/6 APO, TeleVue-76 @ 14x
Seeing: 8 Transparency: 7.5 Moon: 0%

Very large, 5° x 1°, quite dark with large regions completely devoid of stars, edges indistinct, leads east from the Antares pentagram

Rev. T.W. Webb
May 19, 1885    Hardwick, Herefordshire, England (map)

[M4] followed by a vacant starless space. h has remarked many vacancies of this kind.
― Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes, T. W. Webb, 1917

E.E. Barnard
25cm f/5 Astrograph

Dark lane E from Rho Ophiuchi region. This is the middle of the main part of the great vacant lane that runs east from the region of Rho Ophiuchi. It is about 32' wide and has its beginning in a vacant area in which is the star 22 Scorpii (CD-24°12695, 5.5 arcmin). It runs slightly northeast to about a = 16h 40m, d = -23°40'. From this point it extends in a broken chain of dark spots to a little south of B 63. Its total length is therefore about 10°."
― A Photographic Atlas of Selected Regions of the Milky Way, E.E. Barnard, 1927
Other Data Sources for Barnard 44
Nearby objects for Barnard 44
4 objects found within 120'
15 Ophiuchi i Scorpii IC 4605
IC 4606

Drawings, descriptions, and CCD photos are copyright Andrew Cooper unless otherwise noted, no usage without permission.

A complete list of credits and sources can be found on the about page

Barnard 44