Barnard 110
DSS image of Barnard 110
Overlaid DSS image of Barnard 110, 60' x 60' with north at top and west to the right

Aladin viewer for the region around Barnard 110
B 110

Type  Dark Nebula
Size  25' x 22' @ 90°
Right Ascension  18h 50'  (2000)
Declination  4° 46' S
Constellation  Scutum
Classification  6 Ir G
Observing Notes

Andrew Cooper
Jul 22, 2020    Waikoloa, HI (map)
20cm f/6 Newtonian, Cave Astrola @ 61x
Seeing: 5 Transparency: 7 Moon: 0%

A nearly starless void just 20' northwest of NGC6704, irregular and mottled, part of a complex of dark nebulae that spans much of the west side of Scutum

E.E. Barnard
25cm f/5 Astrograph

Irregular, diam. 11', free of stars, a small star near the W edge."
― A Photographic Atlas of Selected Regions of the Milky Way, E.E. Barnard, 1927
Other Data Sources for Barnard 110
Nearby objects for Barnard 110
6 objects found within 60'
Barnard 104 Barnard 111 Barnard 117a
Beta Scuti NGC 6704 R Scuti

Drawings, descriptions, and CCD photos are copyright Andrew Cooper unless otherwise noted, no usage without permission.

A complete list of credits and sources can be found on the about page

Barnard 110