Messier 73 - NGC 6994

No dss image available for Messier 73
Aladin viewer for the region around Messier 73
GC 4617, Collinder 426, Cr 426, Lund 972, C 2056-128, OCl 89

Type  Asterism
Magnitude  8.9
Size  2.8'
Right Ascension  20h 59'  (2000)
Declination  12° 37' S
Constellation  Aquarius
Description  Cl, eP, vlC, no neb
Classification  IV 1 p :b
Observing Notes

Andrew Cooper
Sep 12, 2020    Waikoloa, HI (map)
20cm f/6 Newtonian, Cave Astrola @ 135x
Seeing: 5 Transparency: 7 Moon: 0%

A small equilateral triangle of three faint 10-12th magnitude stars about 1' across, a fourth fainter 12th magnitude star just off the western corner, a little over 1° east of M73

Andrew Cooper
Jun 27, 2020    Waikoloa Quarry, HI (map)
28cm f/10 SCT, NexStar 11" GyPSy @ 127x
Seeing: 7 Transparency: 7 Moon: 0%

A small trio of stars 10-12th magnitude in a neat equilateral triangle 1' on a side, one additional 12th magnitude star off the northwest corner

Andrew Cooper
Aug 11, 2018    Kaʻohe, Mauna Kea, HI (map)
28cm f/10 SCT, NexStar 11" GyPSy @ 127x
Seeing: 7 Transparency: 7 Moon: 0%

A small asterism of four stars roughly in a triangle, quite distinct and curious

Andrew Cooper
Apr 19, 2012    Hale Pohaku, HI (map)
46cm f/4.5 Newtonian, Deep Violet @ 175x
Seeing: 7 Transparency: 7 Moon: 0%

An odd group of four stars in a 'Y' pattern, it would take poor optics indeed to mistake this for a proper DSO

Andrew Cooper
Apr 18, 2010    Hale Pohaku, HI (map)
46cm f/4.5 Newtonian, Deep Violet @ 175x
Seeing: 6 Transparency: 7 Moon: 0%

A small group of four dim stars ranging from 10th to 13th magnitude, three stars are arranged in an equilateral triangle with the fourth star in the center, a poor object but one could understand how it could be seen as a nebulae with inferior optics

Andrew Cooper
Sep 5, 2008    Hale Pohaku, HI (map)
28cm f/10 SCT Gypsy @ 233x
Seeing: 6 Transparency: 7.5 Moon: 0%

A group of four stars, nearly matched brightness, three arranged in an equilateral triangle, the remaining star just to the side, in the telescope this is a very plain object, M72 is 1°20' west

Andrew Cooper
Oct 21, 2006    TIMPA, Avra Valley, AZ (map)
12x36 Canon Image Stabilized Binoculars

A tight group of a few stars, less than on field (1°20') east of M72, small, resolved, like M29 an object that looks more interesting at low power, one can understand why Messier included it in his list

Andrew Cooper
Nov 14, 1998    Empire Mts., AZ (map)
20cm f/10 SCT

I agree with Smyth in that it is a poor object, the dimmest star at magnitude 12.0 is just on the edge of visibility tonight, must use averted vision

Charles Messier
Oct 4, 1780    

Cluster of three or four small stars, which resembles a nebula at first sight, containing a little nebulosity: this cluster is situated on the same parallel as the preceding nebula [M72]: its position was determined from the same star Nu Aquarii."
― Connaissance des Temps, 1781
Other Data Sources for Messier 73
Nearby objects for Messier 73
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Drawings, descriptions, and CCD photos are copyright Andrew Cooper unless otherwise noted, no usage without permission.

A complete list of credits and sources can be found on the about page

Messier 73