Type | Galaxy |
Magnitude | 12.1 |
Size | 1.113' x 0.868' @ 95° |
Right Ascension | 23h 22' 1.0" (2000) |
Declination | 42° 28' 50" S |
Constellation | Grus |
Description | F, S, R, lbM |
Classification | S0:r |
Andrew Cooper
Oct 7, 2023 Kaʻohe, Mauna Kea, HI (map)
28cm f/10 SCT, NexStar 11" GyPSy @ 127x
Seeing: 6 Transparency: 7 Moon: 0%
Small, faint, extended 2' x 1' east to west, brighter to the center
Harold Corwin
IC 5313 = NGC 7632. Swift found this in August of 1897, just a few months before his last discovery from Echo Mountain. His position is fairly good, being just 14 seconds of time off in RA. The identity with NGC 7632 is assured by Swift's notes about the surrounding stars: "10m * nr sp, 11m * f". He has the 10th magnitude star simply as "south" in the AN list, but correctly notes it "south-preceding" in the Popular Astronomy list.― IC Notes by Harold Corwin
HD 219263 | IC 5325 | NGC 7531 |
NGC 7552 | NGC 7582 | NGC 7590 |
NGC 7599 | Phi Gruis |
Drawings, descriptions, and CCD photos are copyright Andrew Cooper unless otherwise noted, no usage without permission.
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