Messier 87 - NGC 4486

No dss image available for Messier 87
Aladin viewer for the region around Messier 87
Virgo A
h 1301, GC 3035, 3C 274, MCG +02-32-105, Arp 152, UGC 7654, PGC 41361, SDSS J123049.41+122328.1

Type  Galaxy
Magnitude  8.6
Size  8.3' x 6.6' @ 170°
Right Ascension  12h 30' 49.4"  (2000)
Declination  12° 23' 28" N
Constellation  Virgo
Description  vB, vL, R, mbM, 3 of 3
Classification  E+0-1 pec
Observing Notes

Andrew Cooper
Jun 17, 2020    Waikoloa, HI (map)
28cm f/10 SCT, NexStar 11" GyPSy @ 127x
Seeing: 5 Transparency: 6 Moon: 0%

Bright, large, round, brighter to the center without an obvious core, NGC4478 visible 9' southwest

Andrew Cooper
Apr 18, 1999    Organ Pipe National Monument, AZ (map)
20cm f/10 SCT

Round, obviously brighter than M84 or M86, obvious core, stopped back by on 18 Apr 99 00:52 to complete the drawing and add NGC4476 and NGC4478 that had disappeared in the haze

Charles Messier
Mar 18, 1781    

Nebula without star, in Virgo, below & very near a star of eighth magnitude, the star having the same Right Ascension as the nebula, & its Declination was 13d 42' 21" north. This nebula appears at the same luminosity as the two nebulæ Nos. 84 and 86 [M84 and M86].
― Connaissance des Temps, 1781
Other Data Sources for Messier 87
Nearby objects for Messier 87
36 objects found within 60'
IC 3354 IC 3355 IC 3356
IC 3358 IC 3363 IC 3381
IC 3386 IC 3388 IC 3393
IC 3408 IC 3413 IC 3418
IC 3431 IC 3440 IC 3443
IC 3445 IC 3446 IC 3457
IC 3459 IC 3461 IC 3463
IC 3465 IC 3466 IC 3467
IC 3475 IC 3481 IC 3486
IC 3489 IC 3492 IC 3501
IC 3506 IC 3509 IC 794
MCG +02-32-110 NGC 4425 NGC 4431

Drawings, descriptions, and CCD photos are copyright Andrew Cooper unless otherwise noted, no usage without permission.

A complete list of credits and sources can be found on the about page

Messier 87