Messier 43 - NGC 1982

No dss image available for Messier 43
Aladin viewer for the region around Messier 43
De Mairan's Nebula
H III 1, GC 1185

Type  Bright Nebula
Magnitude  6.8
Size  20' x 15'
Right Ascension  5h 35'  (2000)
Declination  5° 16' S
Constellation  Orion
Description  ! vB, vL, R, with tail, mbM * 8?9
Classification  E
Observing Notes

Andrew Cooper
Feb 14, 2016    Waikoloa, HI (map)
20cm f/10 SCT, Celestron C8 @ 57x
Seeing: 6 Transparency: 5 Moon: 25%

Bright enough to be seen with a first quarter Moon just 30° away, a faint patch of nebula surrounding the star NU Ori about 5' in diameter

Andrew Cooper
Dec 29, 2015    Waikoloa, HI (map)
28cm f/10 SCT, NexStar 11" Gypsy @ 233x
Seeing: 6 Transparency: 6 Moon: 0%

A star with a halo of nebulosity, brightest near the star and fading radially, a wedge shaped gap on the northeast side of the star otherwise little detail to be seen, M42 visible to the south edge of the field, the central star is NU Ori, 6.5-7.6 magnitude

Andrew Cooper
Oct 22, 2006    TIMPA, Avra Valley, AZ (map)
12x36 Canon Image Stabilized Binoculars

Small patch of nebula surrounding a star, just off the north edge of M42, round, faint but distinct

Andrew Cooper
Jan 12, 2002    Las Cienegas, Sonoita, AZ (map)
46cm f/4.5 Deep Violet

Almost circular with a wedge missing on the NE side, centered on a single bright star

Charles Messier
Jan 4, 1769    

Position of the little star surrounded by nebulosity & which is below the nebula of the sward of Orion. M. Messier has included it in the drawing of the Great Nebula.
― Connaissance des Temps, 1781
Other Data Sources for Messier 43
Nearby objects for Messier 43
28 objects found within 60'
45 Orionis c Orionis Hatysa
HD 36959 HD 36960 HD 37040
HD 37209 HD 37303 IC 420
IC 427 Iota Orionis Cluster LDN1641
Messier 42 NGC 1973 NGC 1975
NGC 1977 NGC 1981 Theta1 Orionis A
Theta1 Orionis B Theta1 Orionis C Theta1 Orionis D
Theta1 Orionis E Theta1 Orionis F Theta2 Orionis
Theta2 Orionis A Theta2 Orionis B Theta2 Orionis C

Drawings, descriptions, and CCD photos are copyright Andrew Cooper unless otherwise noted, no usage without permission.

A complete list of credits and sources can be found on the about page

Messier 43