Messier 49 - NGC 4472

No dss image available for Messier 49
Aladin viewer for the region around Messier 49
h 1294, GC 3021, MCG+01-32-083, UGC 7629, PGC 41220, SDSS J122946.76+080001.7

Type  Galaxy
Magnitude  8.4
Size  10.96' x 8.91' @ 157°
Right Ascension  12h 29' 46.8"  (2000)
Declination  8° 0' 1" N
Constellation  Virgo
Description  vB, L, R, mbM, r
Classification  E-E/S0
Observing Notes

Andrew Cooper
Jun 17, 2020    Waikoloa, HI (map)
28cm f/10 SCT, NexStar 11" GyPSy @ 127x
Seeing: 5 Transparency: 6 Moon: 0%

Bright, round, small, stellar core, a 12th magnitude star on the eastern margin

Andrew Cooper
Apr 18, 1999    Organ Pipe National Monument, AZ (map)
20cm f/10 SCT

Round fuzzy with bright center, faint stellar object near core.

Rev. T.W. Webb
May 19, 1885    Hardwick, Herefordshire, England (map)

Bright; D'A., illustris, grandis, and resolved. Faint haze in a beautiful position between two 6 mg. stars. bright open pair s, 3-7/10in.
― Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes, T. W. Webb, 1917

Charles Messier
Feb 19, 1771    

Nebula discovered near the star Rho Virginis. One cannot see it without difficulty with an ordinary telescope of 3.5-feet. The Comet of 1779 was compared by M. Messier with this nebula on April 22 and 23: The comet and the nebula had the same light. M. Messier has reported this nebula on the chart of the route of the comet, which appeared in the volume of the Academy of the same year 1779. Seen again on April 10, 1781.
― Connaissance des Temps, 1781
Other Data Sources for Messier 49
Nearby objects for Messier 49
26 objects found within 60'
IC 3322 IC 3343 IC 3352
IC 3404 IC 3417 IC 789
NGC 4411 NGC 4415 NGC 4416
NGC 4434 NGC 4464 NGC 4465
NGC 4466 NGC 4467 NGC 4469
NGC 4471 NGC 4488 NGC 4492
NGC 4518 NGC 4518A NGC 4518B
NGC 4519 NGC 4519A NGC 4610
UGC 7546 UGC 7557

Drawings, descriptions, and CCD photos are copyright Andrew Cooper unless otherwise noted, no usage without permission.

A complete list of credits and sources can be found on the about page

Messier 49