Sigma Orionis C

No dss image available for Sigma Orionis C
Aladin viewer for the region around Sigma Orionis C
σ Ori C
Σ 762C, BD-02 1326C, WDS J05387-0236C, Gaia DR3 3216486439450208000

Type  Star
Magnitude  8.79
Right Ascension  5h 38' 44.1"  (2000)
Declination  2° 36' 6" S
Constellation  Orion
Classification  A2Vn
Observing Notes

Andrew Cooper
Nov 26, 2022    Waikoloa, HI (map)
28cm f/10 SCT, NexStar 11" GyPSy @ 127x
Seeing: 6 Transparency: 7 Moon: 0%

A lovely group of stars centered on the bright blue-white σOri A, The 7th magnitude σOri D and σOri E components visible to the northeast and the somewhat fainter σOri C component visible 8" southwest. The notable Σ 761 group is visible 3' northwest including a nice 8th magnitude 8" pair.
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Drawings, descriptions, and CCD photos are copyright Andrew Cooper unless otherwise noted, no usage without permission.

A complete list of credits and sources can be found on the about page

Sigma Orionis C